Relaxed Financial Freedom

Goals Focused

What do you want to do with your life? Have you ever sat down and figured out exactly what it is you would like to do or accomplish? Have you ever wanted to visit another country? Go on a cruise? Sail away on a hot air balloon ride? Something else? Our planning is focused on your goals and how we can develop your financial plan to get you there. 

Risk Control

Sound investment policy is about risk management. The first question any investor should ask is, “How much can I afford to lose?” All other decisions should be based on this answer. This is the mentality we employ when designing and managing wealth. Risk can be defined and measured in many ways – we believe the most important aspect of controlling risk is by aiming to limit the exposure of our investor’s capital to a large loss.  


How much risk are you comfortable with?  We determine our client’s risk tolerance based on an objective mathematical score ranging from 1-100, the higher the number the more risk you can tolerate. We find this measurable scoring to be far more accurate than using vague adjectives such as conservative, moderate and aggressive – all of which are open to wildly different – to define risk tolerance.  When you complete our risk questionnaire it is based on YOUR dollars, not a generalized fictional “What if ?”  Why?  Because this really brings home the answer to: “How much can you stand to lose before you cry “Uncle !”