holistic, comprehensive,
family-oriented planning

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We make sure all your liabilities are covered and are covered properly by thoroughly reviewing your home, auto, life and other insurance coverages.

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Emergency/Opportunity Fund:

Ensuring you have adequate reserves to meet short term emergencies and take advantage of near term opportunities is an integral part of any good plan and is why this is one of the first things we look at.

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Tax Reduction:

No one likes paying taxes. Through careful planning we try to minimize the amount you may owe by structuring your accounts and portfolios to be as tax-efficient as possible.

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Retirement Income:

We analyze cash flows, income sources and expenses to develop a comprehensive plan to help ensure your worry-free retirement.

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Risk Reduction:

If a train is coming, your instinct is to get out off the tracks, right? Well, when the market starts to look like a train bearing down on you our actively managed portfolios begin to move segments to less risky investments to help conserve principal. 

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Long Term Care:

Protecting what you worked so hard to achieve is where Long Term Care insurance can help.  LTC insurance can cover the costs of care when you have a chronic medical condition or disability while helping protect assets and income.

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Legacy Planning:

Where does your money go when you’re done with it?  We guide our clients through estate and legacy planning to help ensure their dollars are passed to the next generation or to fund their philanthropic goal, in the most efficient manner possible.

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